
Eco style sleep


Eco-activists even choose bed linens according to the rules. And not in vain. We are in close contact with him a third of our lives! So, it should be soft, healthy and natural.

When buying cosmetics, food, furniture, clothes and bedding marked “eco”, we, without knowing it, enter into the society of eco-sexes. This word is not related to sex, but speaks exclusively of a high environmental consciousness, a responsible attitude to the environment, the health of the planet, and at the same time to its own, inseparable from the general health of the planet. And that's great! After all, which of us would not want to be sure that there are no harmful and dangerous substances in the purchased item? The secret to the success of eco products lies in the raw materials for their production. It is not just natural, but grows in the most environmentally friendly areas of the planet. And nothing but good and health can not bring.
Even 50% of this valuable material in linen makes it hypoallergenic. And the temperature effect is beyond praise. In a thirty-degree heat flax cools, in the cold - warms.

Cotton fiber is an excellent ally of flax and, as a rule, the remaining 50% in the composition of the fabric has its own advantages. It enhances the durability of the laundry in use and absorbs moisture. The traditionally restrained linen design today captivates with its richness and color density.
Scientists have found that sleeping on linen from linen strengthens the immune system. Dermatocosmetologists admit that flaxseeds enhance collagen production. Flax clothes attenuate gamma radiation (let's hope we don’t need it!) And even protect against electromagnetic radiation from household appliances.EXOTIC BAMBOO
The bamboo fiber fabric is softer than cotton, and tenderness is not inferior to silk. Moreover, it is not as slippery as silk, and its antimicrobial and hypoallergenic properties attract the most demanding housewives. Bamboo fiber "breathes". Due to the porous structure, the fabric instantly absorbs moisture, and then evaporates it. Such linen is very easy to wash and iron.
Bamboo underwear is ideal for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, children, pregnant women, for those who have pets. While we sleep, bamboo wonderfully deals with microbes on the surface of the skin. Ecobamboo products prevent their growth and reproduction.
Until 1820, a significant part of the world's fabric was made from hemp, and only the opening of the process of separation of cotton fibers stopped its victorious march.
Those who care about their health have now rediscovered all kinds of hemp fiber products - pillows, blankets, mattress covers. Such underwear is a real escape for allergy sufferers. Hemp fabrics wash well and, like wool, retain heat. Linen with hemp fibers “breathes”, is immune to bacteria, mold and fungi.
An interesting fact: once a journalist Peskov in the distant 70s had to spend a night on the earthen floor in the home of the Lykovs hermits. He was very afraid to pick up lice or fleas, but his fears were in vain. Lykovs simply did not have these insects! And all because the floor was lined with hemp.SOYA - LIFE WITHOUT CHEMICALS
Allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as well as caring parents, will enjoy eco-linen, which includes soy. In the process of growing soybeans, not to mention the production of material, chemicals are not used. Only steam and water are involved in creating the fibers. This underwear is ideal for children. It is very soft, quickly absorbs and evaporates moisture, has a stable natural shine. In addition to the healing properties of soybeans, mystical powers are also attributed: residents of Southeast Asia are convinced that soya scares away evil spirits.
Due to the content of saponins and tocopherols in soybeans, soy fiber tissue slows down skin aging. It is also believed that soy underwear helps reduce pigmentation.
Silk relieves stress, gives a good, deep sleep. It helps in the prevention of cardiovascular and skin diseases, flu, rheumatism, asthma. It never starts a dust mite. The fabric owes this property to sericin, a viscous protein of natural silk.
Natural silk is perhaps the most special fabric on this list. Its chemical composition is similar to that of a human hair. Silk consists of 97% protein, 3% of fats and waxes, almost like a living creature. Because of this, we are so pleased with the touch of silk, and it is called the second skin.Silk thread has a cylindrical shape and a very smooth surface. Therefore, it excludes mechanical damage upon contact with human skin, and also creates a cooling effect. Silk underwear is especially useful for people with problem skin.

Lingerie from the fluff of the Peruvian Angora goat is very comfortable - in the summer it creates coolness and in the winter it warms. The material is soft, soft, warm and at the same time very light. Such underwear is not afraid of dampness and absorbs moisture well. In addition, the service life is years and years.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 6/2013
Text: Elena Osipova. Photo: Perfectlazybones/; Ziablik/; Simonova /; Delphimages /; 2d3dmolier /;
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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