
Lose weight on the moon


Get rid of 2-3 kg in just a few days will help the diet on the lunar calendar. No mystery, this power system has a purely scientific basis.

For centuries, the moon has been associated with magic and romance, until it was discovered that under its influence are not only poets and lovers, but also the geomagnetic field of the Earth. The moon controls the growth of plants, the reproduction of animals, affects the psycho-emotional background and the physical condition of people. As you know, all the water sources of the planet are subject to its force of gravity. But after all, our body is 90% water, so that it can fully feel the influence of lunar tides. This is the basis of the diet: by adjusting the diet in certain phases of the night luminary, you can affect the amount of fluid in the body in order to more effectively reduce weight.

New moon

The young moon has the strongest influence. At this time, according to supporters of the theory, detoxification is most intense. Therefore, it makes sense to drink more water in order to wash out all the excess, including toxins that are formed due to stress, unhealthy nutrition, poor digestion, and ecology. Weight loss during this period for the most successful can reach up to 3 kg (!) Per day.


Give preference to liquid foods: vegetable puree soups, water, juices, green and herbal tea from sage, dandelion without sugar (you can with ½ teaspoon of honey).

Waxing Crescent

Along with the visible part of the moon, appetite is growing. We must try to eat less than we used to, and not succumb to the craving for sweets. This is a guarantee that the kilograms dropped due to the "ebb" of the new moon will not return.


Refuse heavy foods (fatty, sweet, spicy) and late feasts. The best solution is an early dinner (before 6 p.m.). More fluid between 15 and 17 hours to avoid attacks of hunger.

Full moon

The turning point of the lunar diet and the most critical period: internal processes, both physical and mental, are unstable. It is very useful at this time to arrange a fasting day to boost metabolism and thereby enhance the effect of weight loss.


Again, preference should be given to liquid foods: liquid cereals, jelly, fruit drinks, light vegetable soups, juicy fruits, herbal teas.

Waning moon

This phase is favorable for starting any diet. Together with the Moon, appetite and craving for sweets decrease. Kilograms melt almost by themselves, and the chances that the result will be stable are growing. It is only necessary to maintain a certain level of fluid: 8 glasses of water per day is the norm.


Bet on a low-carb menu: less bread, more vegetables and fish.

3-day moon diet example

Is it difficult to adapt to the lunar phases for a month? You can try the express option.


1.5 kg of any fresh and cooked vegetables (except potatoes), divided into 4-6 meals. For salad dressing, vinegar and olive oil are suitable, without salt. Tea, broth of wild rose.


■ After waking up - a glass of mineral water without gas, ½ grapefruit.

■ Breakfast - yogurt and applesauce or banana puree.

■ Second breakfast - orange juice with lemon juice.

■ Lunch - a serving of mashed vegetable soup or chicken stock.

■ Afternoon tea - herbal tea with honey.

■ Dinner - a glass of vegetable juice.

■ Before going to bed - herbal or green tea with honey.


0.5 kg of pineapple, 1 kg of mushrooms cooked according to low-calorie recipes, divided into 4-6 meals. Tea, kefir for the night.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 7/2013

Text: Text: Liya Radova. Photo: Irochka, picsfive /; Legion media

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
