
Burda Publishing House Invites to Moscow Press Festival


The holiday will take place on September 1 at Poklonnaya Hill

Dozens of publishing houses and media companies, including Burda Media, Argumenty i Fakty, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Kommersant, TASS, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Evening Moscow and many others, will take part in the traditional festival press on Poklonnaya Hill, which this year will be held September 1. The festival will take place already 16 (!) Times, and although it retained its affiliation with the newspaper industry in its name, the scale and nature of the event changes every year, as do the media themselves, which today already interact with readers in a variety of formats, starting from text on paper to video. So this year, for the first time, a separate Digital-zone will appear at the festival, which will set a new standard in the development of the festival as a unique annual meeting place for editors and readers.

The main leitmotif of the event will be the slogan "Meet what you read." The entire territory of this media city will be divided into thematic zones, which will correspond to the headings in newspapers or on news sites. A rich and exciting program will be waiting for visitors in the zones "Hobbies", "Children", "Digital", "Sports and Health", "Books" and "Business".

In the zone "Hobbies" You can get acquainted with the authors of top publications, purchase new issues of your favorite magazines, and take part in various competitions and master classes. So, at the free workshops of Burda and Lisa publications, participants will create their own unique florariums.

On the "Children's" Young guests will have a lot of pleasant surprises and meetings. In the thematic sector "Books" it will be possible not only to get acquainted with the latest in popular science and school literature, but also to learn a lot of interesting things about the production of books.

AT Business sector well-known Russian meteorologist, director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand will share his vision of climate change as part of a session of the publication Arguments and Facts. Among other topics of the Business Sector are the development of endowment funds, the role of the industry press in the construction industry, postal services and others.

In the sector Digital Journalists and experts in the field of digital marketing will share the secrets of successful blogging, promoting startups in schools and the production of multimedia data journalism.

And, of course, what a holiday without sports. Zone Visitors "Sports" They will learn a lot of useful things about healthy eating and will also receive recommendations from experienced fitness instructors.

The festive atmosphere will be complemented by a vocal-pop group! BOOM !, music festival "Peoples of Moscow" from the "Evening", as well as a concert dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the publishing house "AiF".
