
Success Story: Interview with Maria Egorova


“Sewing for me is a road to a completely different world,” says Maria Egorova, editor-in-chief of the magazine of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and winner of sewing contests Burda.

The world of fashion opened its doors to Maria Egorova, the main character of our new interview from the Success Story series, back in school years. An event happened to her, which many other girls who were fond of sewing could only dream of - she joined the school theater of fashion.

Practical sewing skills, communication, creating your own collections, creative contests - the fashion theater not only made everyday life in a small industrial town brighter and more interesting, but also gave Maria invaluable experience and formed a sense of style and taste for the beautiful. About how it was and what came of it further, Maria herself will tell in our interview!

The interview was shot with the support of Prym, one of the best manufacturers of sewing tools and accessories that is chosen by millions of needlewomen around the world! And where does your Success Story begin?
