
And nothing more


Preparing the legs for the beach season is one of the important points of the summer beauty program. They should always be well-groomed, and their skin should be soft and smooth.


If you want to get rid of excess hair forever, salon techniques will help you: laser, enzymatic, electro- or photoepilation. All of them destroy hair follicles (roots), and hair ceases to grow completely. But in this case, be patient: you will need from 4 to 10 procedures with an interval of 1-2 months. The thing is that with the help of these techniques it is possible to act only on follicles in the growth stage, and there are no more than 20% of them. Then follicles that are at rest are awakened, and the need for the following procedure appears.

It is possible to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs if you use a scrub 1-2 times a week: it will remove keratinized particles of the epidermis, preventing the hairs from breaking out.

Today, doctors consider laser epilation to be the most effective and safe alexandrite laser or its combination with photoepilation (it is also called elos epilation). Please note: to avoid the appearance of age spots, after photo-, laser and electric hair removal, you can’t sunbathe for two weeks, and then you must use cream with SPF.

A plus

After a full course of procedures, your legs will be absolutely smooth for at least 7-10 years.In some cases, then single hairs can appear - thin and invisible. Cope with them will help “preventive” hair removal once every 1-2 years.


High price for a course of procedures. If the doctor made a mistake and chose the wrong laser power, severe burns or a violation of skin pigmentation are possible, and scars may remain as a memory from an unsuccessful electroepilation. Also keep in mind that each of these procedures has contraindications.

Gold standard hair removal

The correct choice of the method of getting rid of unwanted hairs using laser hair removal depends on your skin type, pain threshold, hair density, and even the time of year, experts at the Telo's Beauty Clinic rejuvenation and aesthetics explain.

For example, the Alexandrite Laser procedure eliminates the problem of hair growth of all types on any part of the body, including the vegetation on the upper lip and chest. In this case, the risk of scarring on the skin is completely eliminated.

"Neodymium laser" helps forever forget about the excessive growth of blond hair and removes them even with dark-skinned tanned skin. You just returned from a vacation and want to keep your tan? Then choose a GentelYag laser hair removal. Well, if you have very sensitive skin, and you still want to get rid of the hair on your face, bikini area, legs and armpits, try Elos hair removal technology. It combines the action of light and current, directed only to the hair, without affecting the skin.

In between hair removal, you can use lotions that slow their growth.They contain special ingredients that degrade the nutrition of hair follicles.


Wax or electric epilator will get rid of hairs for 3-4 weeks. And the effect of waxing done in the salon can last up to 6 weeks!

A plus

This is ideal before vacation: you will forget about unwanted vegetation for the entire rest. In addition, many of those who use wax or epilator constantly notice that the hairs become thinner over time, are not so noticeable on the skin and are easier to remove each time.


For some people, these procedures are very painful. Using wax requires dexterity, and hot can also be burned. Wax strips must be torn off with a sharp movement, and it is not always possible to do this correctly. Also, after these types of hair removal, unaesthetic ingrown hairs may appear.

To ensure that your legs are always not only smooth, but also gentle, do a light massage every night with a nourishing or softening cream, applying it from the bottom up, from the feet to the lower leg.


Using a razor or depilation cream, you can remove your hair in a matter of minutes. And thanks to shaving gel or post-hair removal cream with vitamins, panthenol, herbal extracts and other moisturizing and soothing components, the skin will become silky.

A plus

The procedure takes a minimum of time, is as simple as possible and does not cause any pain.


The very next day, regrown hairs will be noticeable.Be careful if you have very sensitive or allergic skin: a depilation cream can cause severe irritation or even a slight chemical burn.

Therefore, before using it for the first time, try it on a small area of ​​the skin, and after a day, check for inflammation. And in no case do not apply the depilator if there are wounds on the skin.

Expert Opinion

Head of Marketing, BIC CIS Daphne de Vuitton.

Is there a fundamental difference between razors for men and women?

- Yes, the difference is in sharpening the blade. Female machines are sharpened at a special angle, which provides a more gentle shave.

What are your recommendations: shaving blades dry skin or traditionally with water and foam?

- It is better to prefer the second option. Warm water makes hair softer, and shaving gel softens the skin. In addition, it facilitates sliding of the blade, which makes shaving softer.

How often do you need to change blades or how many shaving procedures does a single-use machine have?

- A disposable machine is called so because it is impossible to change the blade in it. You can use it up to 7 times. If you feel that you need to put extra effort into shaving, then it's time to change the machine.

What products should be applied to the skin after shaving?

- After shaving, you can use a moisturizer without alcohol, it will soothe the skin and make it softer.

How many times do you need to hold a blade on the same area of ​​skin to get a perfect shave?

- If the machine is good, then just one movement is enough to make your skin perfectly smooth.

Photo: Studiovespa, Matka_Wariatka, Lev Dolgatsjov /; Alexander Platonov (1); PR (18).
