
Birkenstock - summer 2015 hit


What do you prefer in the summer - stylish sandals or Roman sandals on a flat track? And if you want something super-convenient - flip flops birkenstock!

A real shock for fashionistas was the appearance on the catwalk of almost ... orthopedic slap. These uninvited “aliens” turned out to be birken stocks - surprisingly comfortable, which became a real fashion hit this summer. Funny and convenient "Style and movement with comfort" - this is perhaps the motto of this funny shoe. True, in England back in the 90s, when birkenstocks were released into the fashion world, they were given the name ugly shoes ("ugly shoes").

But the gaining popularity of grunge personified independence, and 70s shoes designed for older people met the ascetic style philosophy. Yes, they are super convenient, versatile and have a lot of advantages: straps regulate completeness and rise, and soft arch support - a lifesaver for long walks.


For the top choose genuine leather or comfortable artificial material. The trend is metallic tinting, and for comfort, the inner surface is complemented by a soft layer.


The anatomical insole reduces the load on the foot, and the arch support helps maintain the correct position of the body during movement.


The sole is made of durable synthetic material, which protects the platform plug from rapid wear; Corrugation gives the shoe stability.


The height of the cork platform can be different, in the classic version -1.5−2 cm, since this height of the base is optimal for modeling an orthopedic shape.

What to wear?

You can choose a bright pair for an accent to a plain suit in the style of sport-chic; or designate it as a decor for a flared silhouette dress; or even moderate the pathos of a fluffy wrap skirt with it. In general, bolder!
Birkenstocks look feminine even with a garzon-style outfit. A great option for breeches of the same "correct" length just below the knee. And for balance, add a shopping bag - stylish and very practical.
The image in eco-style is a skirt and an elongated top with an oriental print or an A-line top and wide shorts. Just for the fundamental adherents of all natural. Flip flops go well with light cotton and linen clothes.
Reptile or snake-print shoes are a true fashion fetish, as is the 70s-inspired look - a spacious coat with wide lapels and banana pants. And when you also have comfortable slaps on you, you can sparkle with an elegant leg not only effectively, but also easily and comfortably.

Bright birken stocks must certainly appear in the summer wardrobe. Focus on them or pair a cardigan? Only you decide - options for every taste and color.
Article published on materials Good Advice Magazine 6/2015
Photo: PR / fashion server PLUTO / Burda
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
