
How to Find More Sewing Time - 8 Tips That Work


How to find time for sewing and needlework, if this is a hobby, and not the main occupation? We have put together tips tested by needlewomen in practice.

Most of us combine our favorite hobby - sewing and needlework - with a host of other things. Work, study, children, household chores ... Finding time for sewing is not always easy. In the selection below, we tried to combine the experiences of different needlewomen, our experience and even some time-management techniques in order to bring out practical tips that work. If you have something to share on this topic, we will be grateful for your additions and opinion!

So, how to find more time for needlework - 8 tips:

1. Keep the machine and the right tools at hand

In an ideal world, each of us should have its own bright workshop with connected sewing machines, overlocks, shelving with fabrics and a giant cutting table. In real life, more often than not. But you can conveniently equip a workplace in cramped conditions. If for sewing there is a separate table with drawers or a bedside table - excellent. Let the machine / overlock always be on the table, ready for work - just remove the cover. Let threads, pins, scissors, rulers be conveniently placed at hand — all that is needed. If there is no separate needlework place, and you have to sew, for example, at a desk or kitchen table, let the machine stand somewhere nearby so that it can be quickly and easily accessed. If a machine needs to be removed from the bowels of a closet or cabinet each time before sewing sessions, these sessions are much less common. And when everything is at hand, the time for sewing is more often.

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2. Get ready before starting a project

Before embarking on a new project, check if everything is ready. There will be fewer hitches, no need to be distracted, it will be more pleasant to work, and productivity will increase significantly.

Here is a sample checklist for a sewing project:

- the pattern is ready;

- fabrics are ready (if necessary, decanting, washing, etc.);

- there is all the necessary accessories and additional materials (braid, zippers, and so on);

- the machine is in working condition, cleaned, lubricated;

- ready the right paws and needles;

- sharp scissors;

- the necessary threads are selected, the bobbins are ready;

- pins, a spreader, a needle threader, a chalk / pencil / marker and other trifles are at hand;

- Nearby an iron (with a clean sole) and an ironing board.

Add something to your list or create your checklist.

5 things to do if you care about your sewing machine

3. Plan time for sewing

If you keep a paper or electronic diary, write down directly in it when and what time you are going to devote to sewing. If all the plans are in your head, mentally add such notes to them. Whether it will be several hours in a row or 30 minutes cut out for a favorite pastime, the planned implementation is simpler than waiting for the right moment to happen by itself. In addition, the plan does not oblige us to anything - it can always be adjusted.

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4. Break the work into pieces

This item is especially useful if you devote several hours in a row to sewing at once infrequently. Let's say we have no more than an hour a day every day. We sew a dress, which takes about 6-7 hours to make. Then on the first day you can prepare everything you need, including fabric and pattern. In the second - to carve out the details. In the third - sweep away the main seams, try on and the necessary correction. Etc. In a week the dress will be ready! And it would be possible to wait a long time to wait until 6–7 free hours in a row could be found for sewing.

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5.Keep unfinished projects separately and easily accessible.

Clause arising from the previous ones. It is important if there are several sewing projects at the same time, and / or we sew a little every day. Keep each project separately from others and so that you can get everything and get started quickly and conveniently. For storage, you can use organizer boxes, cardboard or fabric. A good option is large, durable, transparent bags with zipper bags (you can immediately see what lies inside). You can use, for example, pillow covers, blankets or buy such bags on purpose.

My wonderful corner

6. Keep track of time

It hasn’t happened to any of us: before going to bed, you sit down at your favorite business for a maximum of a couple of hours, and you come to your senses when it’s getting light outside ... This item in our selection may look strange, but it’s important. When working, keep track of time, and do not let yourself go into the "needlework binge" if this was not originally planned. It is known what such "regime violations" lead to. In the last "drunken" hours, attention is weakening and the hand is not so true. Other matters (including sleep) are canceled or shifted. Fatigue, employment and lack of sleep will not allow you to return to work as quickly as we would like. If a deep immersion in needlework on this day or evening is planned, and you can afford to sew for many hours in a row, it is still better to take breaks for a short rest, warm-up, tea and food. And in that, and in another case, an alarm or timer will help.

Life hack: storing sewing paws

7. Do not force yourself to immediately do what is not working out or want to

Sometimes the work rises not because of a lack of time, but because it is necessary to perform some kind of not very favorite operation. For some, it’s stitching zippers, but someone doesn’t like to hem pants - anything can happen. If you are extremely persistent, courageous and purposeful, this item is not for you. You probably just exhale and do what you need without this advice. But if you are not as vigorous as the described character, besides, you are a little tired, have had bad experience in previous projects, you have never performed this operation before, you do not have to force yourself. You can postpone this project and do something else for now, also sewing, but simpler, for example. And to return to the unfinished complex business next time. Before this, you can read the master classes, watch a video on the topic, ask for advice on the forum, try to do it "in draft".

8. Record your success

This item is about motivation. As you know, much depends on it, and the ability to find time for a favorite business as well. Track your progress and track your progress. If you sew regularly, increasing the level of skill is gradual. It may not be so noticeable if you do not pay special attention to it. Take pictures of your work - both in its entirety and in details. Write down what difficulties were and how you solved them. You can share your successes on our forum or in the Vkontakte group. And you can keep an archive only for yourself. One way or another, when you look back and see that now you are doing with ease what was not given a year ago, you notice how the quality, level of complexity has grown, it motivates, inspires, gives strength to move forward. And time is easier.
