
How to make a sleeve with a neckline for the thumb: a master class


Such cuffs are a symbiosis of mitts and long sleeves: both heat and thumb are “free”. The workshop shows step-by-step how to make thumb cut cuffs.

Such sleeves are very convenient: if it's cold, they can be pulled over the finger, covering the hands, and if desired, removed from the finger and unscrewed, you get a sleeve of the usual length. Under outer clothing, these sleeves look like mittens. By the way, the same principle can also be used to sew mitts too - for example, from a warm elastic material with a pile.

How to sew a sweater from thin knitwear: a master class plus video

You will need:

- scissors;

- ruler;

- pencil, crayon or marker for fabric;

- pins;

- sewing machine / overlock and thread;

- iron.

DIY sweatshirt in an hour: a simple workshop

How to sew knitwear on a sewing machine: 5 ways

Step 1

If you conceived a model with such cuffs, the length of the sleeves should be increased. You can do this by lengthening the pattern and cutting the sleeves longer, or by sewing additional details to extend the sleeves. In the first case, you need to lengthen each sleeve by about 34 cm, in the second - by the same + allowances for seams.

Step 2

Work on the long sides of the sleeve parts, but do not sew.Measure 17 cm from the bottom of the sleeve and fold the sleeve along this line, forming the future cuff. Measure 3 cm from the fold, then 5 cm (this will be the hole for the finger) and another 9 cm. Put marks on the two long sides of each sleeve.

Step 3

Unscrew the cuff, fold the sleeve in half lengthwise and stitch it with pins marking the marks.

Step 4

Sew the sleeve, making the stitches according to the pattern. Be sure to bartack at the beginning and end of each line.

Step 5

Flatten the seams.

Step 6

Turn the sleeve, wrap part of it inward, align the holes for the finger.

Step 7

Stitch the hole while stitching the inner and outer layers of fabric. Once the edge of the sleeve is turned inside, you need to process it and sew it to the sleeve (only by sewing together or laying an elastic seam in a circle).

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