
Do-it-yourself button bag decor


Each needlewoman has a button treasury where buttons of different colors and sizes are stored, which remained from mothers, grandmothers, from their own sewing projects and have not found a new application.

From our master class you will learn how to find application may not be for everyone, but for the most part these buttons are the decor of a small bag that will become your business card and open the curtain of your hobby around.

Clutch bag with original decor

You will need:

Bag without handles (you can use a large cosmetic bag or clutch bag);


Decorative key and two small pins;

Two rings - plastic or metal;

Glue moment;


Needle and thread for sewing;

For pens you can use: a neckerchief, decorative beads on a strong chain or a strap with holes.

Step 1

Lay out the buttons on the decorated surface of the bag in the order you like, in an interesting color scheme.


Before gluing the buttons to the surface of the bag, take a picture of the resulting installation, then use the photo to stick the buttons on the bag in the correct sequence.

Unusual use of buttons: 25 ideas

Step 2

Glue the buttons to the surface of the bag. Leave on for a while until completely dry.

Step 3

Sew rings on the sides of the bag for future pens.

Stylish bag from old jeans

Step 4

Choose one of three options:

- Fold the scarf diagonally, twist it, and tie the ends of the scarf to each ring;

- Attach the beads on the chain to the rings using decorative pins;

- Pull satin or decorative ribbon through the holes in the strap. Fix the ends of the tape in the extreme grommets, and then tie the tape on the rings, thus attaching the strap to the bag.


The author of the master class and photo Olga Bukia

Olga has been engaged in needlework for more than 10 years. Burda magazine helped her to take the first step to creativity, which to this day is her source of inspiration. It was according to Burda that she learned to knit and embroider. In all her projects, Olga pays great attention to detail.

Today Olga sews, embroiders, creates her own accessories and bags. Her work can be found on the pages on Instagram and the blog.

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
